Monday, September 6, 2010
All preparations are complete, the new clothes for the kids, the cookies, the new shoes, everything! Fatini is the happiest as she has been "fasting" half day throughout the month.
House cleaning in progress and the ironing is done. I am all set.
The kids have been the apples of my eyes. Both growing up and become more matured. Even Fatini has taught Emir the meaning of puasa - "Emir, puasa means cannot eat, she said" since Emir always said he is fasting when asked even though he's busy chewing something.
They also enjoyed playing small fireworks in the garden at night and fatini liked to wake up for the early breakfast and eat a spoonful or so of porridge.
I am looking forward the spend this precious time with my family.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Kids in Ramadhan
This year, I introduced the concept of fasting to my kids. Fatini, age 6, started fasting on her own will for half day since day one of Ramadhan. She woke up early to eat with eyes half closed. I didn’t really wake her early, just early enough such that the sun has not risen.
For the first time she didn’t have the early breakfast today. I warned her that if she didn’t wake up to eat, she can’t fast today and she cried her stubborn cry saying she wanted to fast. On top of that she said, she wanted to do it full day today. So, let’s see …She has a good courage and a good understanding. It doesn’t matter if she couldn’t pull it through. I thought it would be difficult to teach them about fasting, surprisingly everything goes well.
Off course Fatini asked me why we fast. It’s difficult for me to reason on religious basis with her because of her string of why’s. So I told her about the poor people who do not have food to eat and have to suffer hunger all day long. And that she will get new dresses and new toys on HariRaya. That make her happy enough and looking forward to HariRaya.
Even though meals are simple every night (my cooking) but it’s been a lovely time to have all sitting at the table for the fast breaking every evening. My husband and I made sure we go home early everyday for this special time.
Fatini and Emir also like going to the small mosque nearby every night because of the playground and that they can meet and play with new friends since there are quite a few kids coming to the mosque as well. They don’t pray but their presence add cheers to the night.
Friday, June 11, 2010
A note to myself
Let the children be children. Being children means
- they will do things to annoy you
- they will embarrass you in public like banging tables and shouting in restaurants
- they will fight amongst each other
- the girls will whine and cry
- the boys will pinch and push
- they won’t listen to you 90% of the time
- they will argue with you
- they don’t move when you ask them to do something
- they watch TV all the time
- they won’t brush their teeth when you tell them
- they won’t go to bed when you tell them
- they don’t eat what you serve
- they will ask to eat what you don’t have or let them
- they will dawdle when you are rushing
- they will cry and shout loudly
- they will demand toys you don’t want to buy
- they will push you to the limit!
… but they will also
- say “I love you” so very often
- shower you with kisses, night and day,
- call you mummy
- massage your back when you said you are in pain
- hug you 100 times a day
- laugh at your jokes
- talk to you when you have nobody to talk to
- fight to sleep next to you every night
- fight to sit next to you
- touch your face and hair
- sleep on your lap
- praise ” you are so beautiful” to you
- never forget your birthday, mother’s day, valentine day and give you wishes and cards
- keep you company
So, give the children what they need which are love and patience.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Emir and the dentist
I don’t know what to say about Emir. Half of the time he will be most adorable and the next half, he will do what he likes. He also kept me surprised with all his unexpected antics.
We went to see the dentist for check ups last month and found out that he has holes in his teeth. Quite significant ones. I have overlooked this, I felt terrible. Fatini’s teeth was allright though , except for one which was filled up last week. Fatini even though quite hesitant to sit in the dentist seat, once seated will remain quiet until everything is done to perfection.
Today was the third visit for Emir. It had been difficult to get him to open his mouth, to sit still and to let the dentist work on his teeth. On the 2nd visit a few weeks ago, he stopped the dentist, pulled out the instruments and the napkin and got up, saying ‘ I’m done’ while the dentist was still trying to fill up the tooth. We were offcourse (dentist, nurse and me) all tried to hold him still.
Anyway, the dentist had no choice than to expedite the filling job, the work according to him was not as perfect since Emir could not let him clean the tooth properly. Emir still have a few more visits to go. Hopefully he will be able to cooperate better next time.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
You know what, no matter how rude the bikers are, there are equal amount of rude and reckless drivers. You really don't want to hurt or kill anybody, God forbids. Always watch out for pedestrians and the bikers. For bikers, even though you think, "if you dare to hit me..." kind of thoughts, please consider there are young drivers, old drivers, drunk drivers, smart XXX drivers, worried drivers, depressed drivers, in-a-hurry drivers, etc, etc so please do consider.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Monday morning
Anyway this morning, I tried my best, speediest efforts to tidy up the mess and prepared the children's bags. Then my husband told me, my car couldn't start. That's it, I was going to be very late.
The car had been temperamental lately. Sometimes it refused to start. Anyway, this morning when my husband tried again, the car started. However, I was hesitant to drive the car, fearing it might break down somewhere on the highway. Me, children and a broken down car, no way...!!!
After discussion, I reluctantly agreed to drive hubby's car and for him to take my car to the workshop. I am not used to driving his car and I am always nervous to drive his car. If I or anybody get the car scratched or dirtied, I would be hearing no ends to his complaints.
Anyway, after getting myself comfortable in the driver seat, I drove his car very carefully and thank God, there was no traffic jam whatsoever on the road. I safely delivered the children at school and arrived at work. I hope the traffic won't be too packed on the road later today when it is time to go home.
I recently have been thinking the time I took to get to work and back. It was too time consuming, too stressful and the bad traffic jam is taking a toll on my body. I am really seriously thinking about quiting my job in the city centre and find another one outside the city.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Ben 10
I said," i bought you Ben 10 watch already!" and he said, " That's a toy Ben 10 watch, what I want is a real Ben 10 watch which I can turn and can transform me to superpowers!"
To Emir, Ben 10 is real, and that there is such watch that can transform boys to become whatever aliens... and the good thing is that he wants to save people.
He believed it, and that brought smile to my face, every time he asked it. I am enjoying the chidlren innocence period for now...
Friday, May 14, 2010
The previous weekend, we went to Tanjong Dawai in Kedah. That was part of the trip back to Husband’s home town. I never knew there was a beach there, but the reason we went there was because my brother in law had started his fishery business. We also wanted to take my father in law for a ride and change of scenery.
Before returning to my MIL's house, we we went to Sg Petani where all the siblings and children gathered together for chit chat until late. Fatini and Emir were so happy to meet their cousins there especially Aishah and Armani. Armani has been, since small, an ardent admirer of Emir, we and even the grandparents had always wondered at the chemistry there. She's always like "Emir, Emir, Emir..."
Since the children were already big and had their scheduled activities it has been difficult to find time to go back to my hubby's home town due to the long and tiring journey. However, we tried to every three months or so. Andt when we did, we had nothing but good times. I had always enjoyed this part of Malaysia especially the food.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
My Day
Fatini and Emir prepared a mother’s card at school. Fatini had been really monitoring mother’s day and kept on asking me day by day until Sunday. She's marvellous at remembering dates and days :-)
Last night, husband took us to dinner to celebrate my birthday cum anniversary. At first I thought it was just an ordinary dinner. So okay, no problem, let's go. But I dressed up a little bit though. After some drive, it turned out he brought us to Hilton at Sentral. Well, Fatini and Emir were awed by the hotel security checking the car boot and the underside before letting us through into the car park.
The dinner was at the Boardwalk by the poolside. It was a romantic place, but we were booked with table for four, off course. However, the view from the restaurant overlooking the city at night was fantastic. I was quite pleased with the place.

There, while enjoying the scenes and drinks we were serenaded by a trio singer with guitar and drum beats, and the quiet atmosphere (that was before the kids arrived) was pleasant. Emir was besotted with the singers and kept on watching them singing which was just nearby our table. We had also ordered dinner to our heart content. Fatini couldn't wait to eat.
Then the singers ended their singing session , I was not sure what the time was, as I was enjoying the moments. They sang beautifully and I was sorry the session ended. A while after, they approached our table, I thought they were just dropping to say Hi and Goodbye to us especially to Emir who had been watching them with a high level of admiration. I said to Emir, look! the singers come to see you. After saying hi and small talk with us, all of a sudden they started singing softly Happy Birthday song and a waiter, at the same time, brought a cake complete with candle and all glory to our table. Was that for me....? Wow!, that’s the first time I had been serenanded and celebrated that way, and in surprise. So they sang with guitar and music, with Emir’s loudly sang along, Happy Brithday to Mummy and the cake had Happy Brithday Mummy written on it and huge strawberries. Fatini who didn’t expect the surprise felt shy a little bit but Emir was singing happily aloud.
I was taken aback by my husband’s show of creativity in producing this surprise for me, I just didn’t expect it from him. Was that really him after all these years.... Thank you so much darling.
So we went home after, as the kids were getting sleepy and drowsy. Once at home, I was as usual, got immediately busy in the kitchen cleaning up and making milk for Emir, when all of a sudden I heard the kids murmurs of excitement again and my husband produced another surprise for me, a bouquet of roses. That was ah! so sweet.
I was so happy and touched by the family in celebrating my birthday. Who else in this world will share the special days with me if not them. Their acts made me forget all the exhaustion and nitty gritties that come along with being a working wife and mother.
Anyway, I thought last night was it, but unexpectedly this morning, I had another surprise. I think that’s the final one, hahaha. Anyway, thank you to my husband and my children for the wonderful dinner and surprises and presents. I love you all very, very much.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Last Saturday we went to send Fatini to sit for a readiness test for entry to a private school next year. It is an option for us, still considering lots of other things. She seems to like the school and can't wait to start. The subjects tested were Math, English and Bahasa. Fatini said they were easy. Really? Well, we'll see when the results are out.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
My warriors
Last Sunday, Fatini and Emir were attending the taekwondo grading exams. I felt very proud to see their utter dedication. We were a little worried about Emir, afraid that he may not take the exam seriously, however, as always, Emir gave me a wonderful surprise. He knows when to take things seriously and when to be playful. He was the littlest, it looked like, at 4+ years old. My children had done very well and I am, as always, the proud parent.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Fatini is six years old. I found it difficult to believe that she’s a big girl now, growing right in front of my eyes. She has developed characters of her own. I am happy that she has lots of positive qualities and I can feel but humungous pride for her.
I had arranged for a birthday party at home last Sunday. Since I like to start party in the morning, we started early at 10 am when guests began to arrive. I hope the kids have had good times. Having a party at home required a lot of hectic planning and I still managed to forget a few things like the cake knife, a thing here and a thing there. I got lots of help from my sis in law Intan, and my sisters Liza and dak Angah who came all the way from Melaka. Without them, I don't think I could cope by myself. So my gratitude to them. All in all, I think it went well, I was happy and greatly relieved. Fatini’s cousins and friends all came to make her party special. I hope Fatini will remember this event in her life.
Some pictures for show.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
I have not been writing a long time, blame it on no time, no mood , no story to tell, or whatever…. Anyway, I certainly want to continue telling about my kids if not anything else that’s more exciting …. Emir who turned 4 last December has made an absolutely brilliant progress in reading and truth be told, it surprised me, but I was extremely thrilled by it. Why, he didn’t even want tor read last year, except listening to story read by me. But when I tried to teach him he had refused and shied away from it. Which had triggered sparks of concern from me, which is obviously unwarranted. All of a sudden this year, he showed a lot of interest and ta da…! he reads already… simple words but I think he is a lot advanced than expected….and he reads almost every night! What a joy!
Monday, March 15, 2010
We had a young guest last weekend. It was Fatini’s best friend, Suzu, a Japanese girl. She’s leaving
On that afternoon, we had arranged for a small get together at another mom's place, the kids were looking forward to it so much that Fatini had been nagging about "when are we going there" since the morning. They had a swim in the pool amongst themselves. The kids really loved to spend time together. Come evening, we brought Suzu home for overnight. Fatini was so elated to have her at home.
We hope Suzu had a great time at our home.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Thursday, February 18, 2010
We had a high school reunion a couple of weeks ago. It was in Seremban but those in KL took the time to drive all the way there. This was the first after we left Form 5 so I was so nervous to go, to meet back everybody after a long time of separation. It turned out that I was not the only one feeling this way. These were the people I grew up with for 5 years. Since my school was co-ed, there were what used to be the boys too, now all grown men. Those that were so naughty turned out well after all, holding important positions in various organizations.
Well, in high school, there were those that I was closed too and those friends who were not so closed but friends nevertheless. So meeting the classmates and the best friends were the event for me that I really looked forward to.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
We didn’t go anywhere this 4 day weekend. Decided just to stay at home and did some cleaning up, rearranging and hanging things. But most importantly to me, this weekend marked a major milestone progress for my kids. Fatini has started to sleep in a separate room. This was solely her initiative. That's what she wanted and Me half heartedly between being happy and difficulty to let go, relented to the wish.
Also looks like Emir is following suit soon as this morning he claimed he slept by himself last night! Actually he moved to his sister bed early this morning.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Sunny morning
Emir who always have a jovial temperament was really laughing at whatever the sister was saying or doing which obviously had the intent to tickle her brother's humor. This does not always happen, I mean, most times, good talks and laughs always interspersed with fighting between the two siblings.
I pray in my heart that the kids will have a good relationship between them throughout their life. That they be for each other despite having their own family later.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Today I went to the Toys’rus to find a toy. A toy bus actually. Since my kids have been fighting over the one toy bus at home. The one we have at home has been there for years. There’s never been any interest shown before. All of a sudden, recently, both of them think the bus is very interesting. They’ve been fighting over that one bus since a few days ago. Fatini brought it into the car this morning. Emir saw it and wanted it and had been asking for it from the sister, who said No! of course and this made him wanted it more. The fight continued in the car this morning. Which made me promise them that I will get another one today.
But I didn’t find exactly the same one. So I bought another smaller boring version, hopefully they will accept it. And another very small aeroplane, a cheap one too. So that at least each one will have a new toy today. And give me some peace of mind tonight. I didn’t want to spend too much on toys since they just got their daddy to buy some expensive ones last weekend.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
So far so good
This week I feel a bit under the weather. It’s the flu, I got it and Emir got it. It started with him having the stuffy nose. With him sleeping so close to me , night after night, it’s always been the case, whatever bug he gets, I will eventually get it too.
My head had been aching on one side too since the past few days. I really hope it’s nothing, wishing as I always do despite the worries. I really don’t want to make that trip to the hospital to check my condition. I hate spending my precious time waiting for my turn. And I hate the nervousness when waiting for the medical result. It’s worse than the feeling I felt waiting for my exam results to come out.
Saturday morning is as busy as usual with the kids drama classes, only now Fatini has another class to attend which is the hip hop dancing. For me, okay…. The kids can join any class with the condition it doesn’t inconvenient me too much in terms of timing and that the kids love the classes. They can stop any time. Saturday afternoon and the whole Sunday is reserved for family time and swimming.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
and where is Heaven
My niece came back for holiday from
I used to tease her when she was in primary school, every time she went for her school trip, and brought her grandmother some souvenirs, I always asked her, “where’s my souvenir, Faizah?” as she never bought for me any thing during that time. Her answer was always, “I don’t have enough money..” and she would explain to me, cent by cent on what she had spent. Those were old memories. As a child, she never indulged in wasting money. In fact, she always asked me to buy things she need, and even though I did buy them sometimes,, I also said to her, ask your father, she will reply, but I feel so sorry for ayah….Even though at that time I thought, “bertuah punya budak!!”, at the same time I was happy that as a daughter she had that feeling of affection and compassion for her father.
It is a peace of mind to see children who I used to see as little children grow up and become good individuals who respect parents and the elderlies no matter what. It saddens me to hear news of abandoned parents who were left to their own device by the children that they raised with their sweat and love. It saddens me to see how children when they grow up talked to parents as if the parents owe them something, with no respect and no fear about hurting the parents’ feeling. They treat the parents as if the parents are the ones who need them and they don’t need their parents. It’s even worse when the children still take money from the parents.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Little problem
I had no problems so far when dropping the children at school but this morning, Emir, upon waking up in the car refused to go to school and his excuse was he wanted to follow mummy. He didn’t want to get off from the car at the school. He seemed really adamant not to come down from the car.
I really hope he's okay now.
Monday, January 4, 2010
What a holiday!
I am back after a long… holiday. Well, I always take an extended holiday at end of year with my family. I haven’t been updating. I like to wish Happy New Year to everybody.
During the holiday we brought the children to Hong Kong and stayed for 10 days. Why Hong Kong? Well it started with me promising Fatini months ago to take her there after some of her friends came back from Hong Kong Disneyland. Since then, week after week she will follow up with my promise.
At 10 days we had enough time to visit Disneyland for two days and Ocean Park for 2 days. Other days were spent touring around the city on double decker bus, lingering around the famous Victoria Harbour at sea as well as at the port by day and by night.
There were also sufficient time to rest in between days so that the kids were not exhausted from too much activities.
This was my first time in Hong Kong and for me it was a pleasant surprise even though everything was so expensive. My advice will be to bring lots of cash and credit cards when visiting. Change your cash at the airport or money exchanger as hotels and banks do not accept RM for exchange. Banks may charge additional fees.
The cities were clean and the public transports were reliable. Bus was cheapest and MRT for four people was expensive. Taxi’s cost is as expected and we had used taxi for the first few days before we knew our way and started to take the bus. The kids wanted to ride on the bus anyway.
People seemed very busy and the street sides were as busy as Oxford Street in London during sales seasons. Hong Kong people are stylish and well dressed for most of them.
As for the kids, they had a good time and bought lots of toys. It’s very difficult to say no as toys were everywhere especially at the theme parks. I told Fatini there will be no new toys until next December!
Some pictures for memories.