Wednesday, February 17, 2010

We didn’t go anywhere this 4 day weekend. Decided just to stay at home and did some cleaning up, rearranging and hanging things. But most importantly to me, this weekend marked a major milestone progress for my kids. Fatini has started to sleep in a separate room. This was solely her initiative. That's what she wanted and Me half heartedly between being happy and difficulty to let go, relented to the wish.

We made up one of the rooms so that it tallies with her taste. Just as quickly, she started to move her photos (and Emir’s), favourites toys and books to the racks in the room. Now she and Emir started to spend more time in the room. She wanted a room for herself separate from Emir, but Emir wanted to share her room. I managed to talked her into the room sharing idea though.

Then come night time she wanted to sleep there. Considering she had sharing my bed all these times, this was a major step for her and it was quite admirable. She had been very brave and courageous to make such a big move. It just happened so naturally. All she asked was not to switch off the light as she said she was scared of the dark.

I thought well , she would sleep throughout the night anyway. Well, she did actually wake up some time in the early hours looking for me asking to send her to the bathroom and then back to her new bed.

Also looks like Emir is following suit soon as this morning he claimed he slept by himself last night! Actually he moved to his sister bed early this morning.

The ones more anxious about the change are actually me and hubby. We kept on putting our heads into the room from time to time to check on her while she’s sleeping. Well, occasionally lying down next to her as well. I thought I would be sleeping with them until they are twelve! It seems not so.

It have been two nights already. I guess that’s it, the slow return of my privacy but the start of my children’s independence.