Thursday, December 4, 2008

New neighbour

Last night my brother and wife (with daughter Nadirah) came to give us a house call. They just moved to their big new house, newly renovated and ready. Actually we went to give my sis in law a surprise visit last Sunday to the new house because we got to learn that she moved in already. She was happy to see us and entertained me with a tour inside the house. (Sorry la Intan, sampai almari2 pun akak bukak tengok)  Lawa with the theme modern contemporary (whatever that means) but its very nice. I can guess my brothers taste la like those high chairs in the kitchen and the pangkin outside.. Most importantly to me, I am glad that their new home which I hope will be their permanent home is within our neighborhood just maybe 10 minutes drive away. That makes me feel like I have families around as I have always been jealous of those who were raised in KL and therefore have all siblings living within the same area or state. Now I feel like theres a back up system in case of anything or when I need it.

Anyway, when they were saying they were coming I said have dinner at my house. My sis in law asked, sempat ke masak and I said not to worry, everything will be in order. Superwoman is here!

So upon arriving home and after a few minutes rest, I started busying myself in the kitchen and finally ready with a few simple dishes at about 8 pm and the guests arrived at about half past eight. I could see my SIL couldnt believe that I have managed to prepare the dishes and kept asking whether I ordered the food from somewhere. I said happily, No lah Intan, akak masak. Anyway actually it was all goreng-goreng and rebus-rebus and tumbuk-tumbuk. This is my dishes when receiving guests with little preparation time. Kalau nak laksa2 tu, I have to prepare days in advance to find the ingredients and so on.

The kids are excited plus malu-malu seeing Pak Lang who they rarely see actually since Pak Lang has been working overseas for years, however they must have wondered every time this guy called Pak Lang sees them, this guy would kiss them and hug them, so the kids must have felt this guy must be somebody special.

Anyway we are all looking forward to spend the long weekend in Melaka for this coming hariraya haji.