Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Sex Education - how early?

Today I talked to one friend which I considered more level headed with regard to her children. Despite her job as a professional ( the same field as me) unlike other professional mothers, she really taken to heart her task as a mother to three teenagers, more hands-on and we shared the same standards of concerns and anxieties on our respective children.

I asked her when did she start the sex education on her children. She said when they were very2 young. What brings about this is when I came across some stories with regard to abuse on young children. Its really a horrified subject which scares parents. It scares me to death.

I have introduced the sex education to Fatini and Emir in terms of they cannot touch their private parts and they cannot let other people touch them. Also they cannot touch other people. Apart from that I didnt start any conversation. I haven't taught them on limits between people. About strangers. Now I think I should. I am going to start this sex awareness, abuse and sex related moral education. It should be a continuous routine like any other conversation rather than a one off serious session. The idea is to create the awareness and make it part of on going moral education. Why now? The answer is I really dont want to start the talking when its too late and the children dont want to listen anymore. Children are so fragile and they can be taken advantage of at any time.

However it is a difficult subject and I have uncertainties of what I should tell and what I shouldnt. What ever it is, their age has to be taken into consideration. They are fragile. I cannot be too detailed or blunt. Exposure of knowledge will be based on need to know. Maybe more detail when they are older. For the time being just some facts to create the awareness about sex and abusive behaviours of others. With all the going ons in this part of the world, I feel that children need to be matured earlier. Not all people are good people is the fact that needs to be made aware to the kids. Not all adults can be trusted. What a sad realization to expose to the children at their age.