Wednesday, November 5, 2008

My heaven on earth

My home is a place of peace, tranquility and happiness to me and it should be. I worked very hard in the office and at the end of the day I want to come home, rest, relax my mind, enjoying my home and family life without any stress or anything that may incur stress on me. For me, rumah ku is really syurga ku. My home is my heaven on earth.

Since I was small, I like home to be clean, orderly and beautiful. It must be clear, spacious and cool to my eyes. It may not be expensive or elegant or big but pleasing to me. I really have a dream about a perfect home. Because it is a place I come back to everyday for rest, family enjoyment and self recovery to prepare for the next day. So that is the condition of my house, always clean and orderly, free from clutters, and no wrong item at the wrong place.

I hate to come home and see mess or dirty conditions everywhere. Whether its in the living room, kitchen, bedroom or bathromm. It would cause me stress which is totally unnecessary and avoidable.  I hate to see clothes hanging where they are not supposed to, dirty dishes on the table or items on the floor. Even though nobody is visiting the house and see these conditions but for me home is not primarily for others to show but for us to see and indulge.   All the clutters seem to have a bad energy that affects me deep into my mind. No wonder they have this thing called Feng Shui. Anyway to avoid this stress I always make sure before I leave home, the kitchen is clean, the table is clear, most things in place. When I open the front door in the evening I expect to enter into my heaven (on earth). And this is the way I have always enjoyed every single day.

Well, things are not always 100% perfect and minor glitch here and there will occur. For me time is always a constraint number 1. I love doing the cleaning up, checking, put things in order but I can do only as much as the time allows. I also have small kids at home and there are so many toys from the smallest to the biggest. Its like having a mini ToysRus in my home. Emir enjoys all kind of throwing especially throwing toys down the stairs and food everywhere. He also likes to pour water into tissue box, onto floors, overturn everything he saw in the bowl or cups, orange juice, milk, rice, whatever that he fancies. Its really a toddler issue and my task seemed to catch him before he spill anything on the carpet or cushion. Theres a barricade rail upstairs thats been used to hang towels and I had managed to ignore that and hope it wont be like that for the next 20 years.

During my growing up years, I dont remember any clutters in my home. My parents house was so small before, just a quarter that a police personnel was given. 2 bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen and a bath and they were 5 childten in the house. But I can tell you, theres no clutters at home, no hanged towels on the chair, no dirty shirts hanged on the walls, no dirty dishes ever left on the dining table or in the sink and no dirty bathroom. So I grow up continue to be particularly concern about house cleanliness and tidiness. Now my parents house is much bigger, a kampong house, but its still clean and tidy. So it radiates this cooling effect to the eyes.

Fatini seems to share the trait of tidiness. She has been in the habit of clearing up the family area and the result of her work is so amazing for her age. I am so proud of her. Id like to cultivate in my children the habit of cleaning up, tidiness and orderliness. This promotes working together, consideration for others, sharing & responsibilities and inhibits basic laziness. When this good value is inbuilt in them, you can trust when they become adults they can have a home to call a heaven too.