Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I am Mom of the Year ?

I have been honored with The Mom of the Year award by Ibu from Dalam Dakapan Ibu. Thank you, thank you. I mean, wow, I am teary eyed. What to say to receive this award mean something real big to me. I mean I have only two children. Ibu has six!!

I guess I have to repeat the rules which are

1. Admit one thing you feel awful about (involving being a mom).

2. List 7 things you love about your kids, you love doing with your kids, or that your kids love about you.

3. Send this to 5 other moms of the year that deserve a reminder that they too are the best moms that they can be. Remember to send them a note letting them know you have selected them, and also add a link to your post that directs people back to the person who nominated you.

Okay, here I go.

1. I want to be a good mom but I failed more often than not. One thing that I really feel awful about is when I raised my voice to my children. I mean really2 raise my voice. I always made a mental note not to do that, but somehow, in between the sound of children wailing and the pot boiling its content on the stove, it really drives me nuts. And afterwards when I look into their eyes, I feel something painful digging deep into my heart. I could only wish they would forget the incidences.


i) I love the smell of my children. The smell of their face, their hair, hands and body parts. Even their worn shirts.

ii) They love to snuggle with me, lie close to me in front of the TV, golek2 with me, on the couch, in bed and also in the car when Im not driving.

iii) I love my children chit chatting to me, Fatini with her impressive ever growing vocabulary and experience and Emir with his pelatness but yet ever so eager to tell me everything. And they fight to get my response too when they are talking at the same time to me!

iv) I love to go vacation with my kids (who doesnt?) and the kids love to get away as well. Somehow the word hotel is so becoming to them. We try to make a regular weekend vacation now, at least once in two months, just a night away.

v) They love swimming, riding bicycle, playing kites, even badminton (toy badminton). Imagine us trying to aim the shuttle to their rackets so that they can hit it.

vI) I love it when my children always asking for Mommy, Mommy and I am the first they will look for after woken up. I have never been wanted so much in my life and all of a sudden these two angels come along and become my admirers. I hope to keep the bond strong throughout their life.

vii) Lastly but the least, I love being loved and kissed by my kids. I mean they always told me I love you Mommy, and sometimes Emir kiss me all over my face, and every time he kiss me he would whisper the endearment I kiss your lips, I kiss your head, I kissed your cheeks, which really melt my heart.

3. So thats it, maybe I didnt cover all. Anyway I dedicate this award to other moms I knew via real life and virtual. Three only can ha?

1. Voguemom

2. Sweet&Simple

3. Wanni