Friday, February 6, 2009

Emir again !!


The past three days I was engaged in lots of mental work at the office. When my work requires me to do this, normally by night time my mind will be so worn out I will have difficulties to even open my eyes come 9 pm. So this was what happened to me for the past three nights. So I just wanted to close my eyes in bed or even lying in front of the tele. My problem was I couldn’t get to do this. Emir recently is in the process of experiencing life after 3, and is having his terrible-3 episodes. He seems to be more clingy to me, more demanding and more challenging. It didn’t upset me but it worries me. Am I doing the right thing? The other day he threw his sister’s little Barbie cooking toys from a table. Since I don’t want to let him go scot-free from this kind of behaviour, I scolded him and asked him to stop doing that and put the toys back on the table. He thought it was funny and threw some more toys. One thing about Emir he seems to take everything as funny or amusing. So I gave him a hard slap on the behind. He stopped for a second, cringed on the slap and then began to smile again (testing the water) and started to defy me again by dropping more toys from the table but now more slowly, but still it’s a show of defiance to me. Well this is pushing my already stretched boundary! So I picked him up and put him in our little library, shouted at him this time I made it a little fierce (and felt very guilty about it) , and told him to stay there and don’t come out. I was scared he might climb to the window so I just put my head inside the room to check on him every minute. He seemed to be upset now and the smile disappeared from his face (finally!!!)  I checked a few times also to see whether there’s a trace of smile on his face and felt satisfied there wasn’t. At the same time I was evaluating whether I am doing it right since I felt badly for punishing him like that.  After 10 minutes or so, I let him out and he began to pick up the toys and put back on the table. So he knew what the punishment was all about …..

Last night he was on another type of behaviour. He didn’t want me to disappear from his eyes, and also didn’t want to sleep. Whenever I go to the kitchen he will cry loudly and came downstairs looking for me. And when I wanted to rest and close my eyes, he wailed over me telling me don’t close my eyes….over and over again…and I was so mentally exhausted….

Anyway after letting him wailed and cry for a while, I decided to give in and went to cuddle and lie down with him in front of the tele trying hard to keep my eyes open. And he became quiet and contented. That’s all he wanted actually, to lie close with me, cuddling him, accompanying him.