This week has been a headache for me. I have been looking up for a new daycare for my children and also new kindies for them. I used the internet, called up and study some maps. The studying map part is the one giving me the most headache. I really have to adjust my map reading with my haphazard sense of direction.
The concern on Emir development had set me and my husband to rethink about the children schooling and daycare. We think its best to transfer Emir and transfer them out of KL. This will save them from the extra hour in the traffic even though Mum will still be stuck in the jam every single day.
Wow! the children schooling, day care, and logistic is more difficult that engineering. First I had to decide on the area which I consulted my dearest hubbie. It must be somewhere outside KL but close enough to KL. Very mind boggling, isn't it not? So we chose Bangsar area. I think that area is nice even though i am not that familiar but i am sure i can get familiar with it.
There are quite a few kindies in that area actually. Many of the establishment combines preschool with day care. Some of them receive children after 9 am. (Why do they do that? How are we working mother supposed to send them since we have to be at the office at 8am.)
Some of the day care also does not accept afternoon day care except if the children also attend morning classes with them. I don't want be limited with that criteria.
Especially Fatini is already attending the kindergarten at least until end of this year before we can decide to transfer her to another one.
So after a few phone calls yesterday and last week, finally i shortlisted to 2 places to visit today so that i don't become confused with too many choices. I think I have found one which I hope is going to be fun for the kids. At least I saw that they have quite a small children to teacher ratio. Full day for Emir and half day for Fatini.
Now I am left worrying about their reaction on their impending first at the new daycare which is to start next Tuesday. I embrace myself for that. Fatini will certainly cry. Emir will be scared I think. I feel terrible already.
I feel that my responsibility is to provide a place where they can have fun, learn and socialize with friends. I don't ant to overburden them with activities, most importantly while I am not around at least they can have some fun hours.