Sometimes as i drive along the highway or sit quietly by myself , i wonder am I alone in this world? who are my friends? who is my best friend...?
I was thinking who is the one i enjoy spending time with . Thoughts after thoughts and i cannot run away or deny that my true best friend is nobody else but my other half i.e my husband.... don't take me wrong we do fought on little things and criticise on each other (my husband especially likes to show me the "better way to do things" which for me are too ideal, unrealistic, stupid or impractical). But truly he is the one i enjoy spending time with, want to go window shopping with, have coffee with, lazying around with, joke with and have holidays with etc, etc.
and the best thing of all we share our kids, our parents and relatives (even though we don't share the same friends) and whenever i am with them, he is always there sharing the time with me.
when things go wrong for me either at work or whatever that pull my mood down, he is the one who comes home everyday, sit with me, talk or argue with me. He is the one sitting having meals with me or playing with our kids together. I don't say that we agree on everything but because of him, I feel secure enough to go through the life and its obstacles.
He is after all the only person who knows all about my day to day activities or lack of it, see me with my kain batik and t-shirt at home, or praise me when he thinks I am beautiful.
He is the reason I feel good about coming home eveyday.
"My Best Friend"
When everything is wrong
I'll come talk to you
You make things alright when I'm feeling blue
You are such a blessing and I wont be messing
with the one thing that brings light to all my darkness
You're my best friend
and I love you, and I love you
Yes I do
There is no other one who can take your place
I feel happy inside when I see your face
I hope you believe me
'Cause I speak sincerely
and I mean it when I tell you that I need you
You're my best friend
and I love you, and I love you
Yes I do
I'm here right beside you
I will never leave you
and I feel the pain you feel when you start crying
You're my best friend
and I love you, and I love you
Yes I do
You're my best friend
and I love you, and I love you
Yes I do
Yes I do...
Yes I do
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Kau dekat di hati ku
kenangan masa lalu sering bersama diingatan
jasa mu dan kasih sayang mu pada ku tak dapat ku lupa kan
walau dikau kini di mamah usia
lemah , sakit dan terlantar
di mata ku bayangan kehebatan mu
sedih dihati ini
masa begitu cepat berlalu
engkau lah ketabahan ku
membesar diriku bersama semangat mu
untuk melihat anak2 mu berjaya
kenangan bersamamu
bukan keriaan di taman atau di disneyland
tapi pada langkah2 yang kau atur di bawah panas mentari
dan pada senyum lebar ketika melihatku
pada keringat didahi mu
kesabaran pada kerenahku
dan kelam kabut mu antara anak2 dan kerja2
kesedihan di hati ini
dimana harus ku campakkan
ketika kenangan datang
dan tika aku merenungmu
tubuhmu yang lemah , kurus dan longlai
mahu kukembalikan masa lalu
tika aku dengar suaramu bergema
melihat mu kelibatmu, merasakan kehadiranmu
maafkan wahai ayah
tak dapat engkau bersama kami
menghayati kebahagiaan
begitu cepat masa melemahkan mu
rasa sesal hatiku tak sudah
ampunkan aku atas dosa
kekasaran dan kesalahan
tiada niat melukakan mu
segala yang ku lakukan hanyalah untukmu
ampunkan diriku
lambat memenuhi hasratmu untuk melihat
menyebabkan terkilannya hati ini
tak dapat berkongsi dengan mu
Kau dekat di hati ku
kenangan masa lalu sering bersama diingatan
jasa mu dan kasih sayang mu pada ku tak dapat ku lupa kan
walau dikau kini di mamah usia
lemah , sakit dan terlantar
di mata ku bayangan kehebatan mu
sedih dihati ini
masa begitu cepat berlalu
engkau lah ketabahan ku
membesar diriku bersama semangat mu
untuk melihat anak2 mu berjaya
kenangan bersamamu
bukan keriaan di taman atau di disneyland
tapi pada langkah2 yang kau atur di bawah panas mentari
dan pada senyum lebar ketika melihatku
pada keringat didahi mu
kesabaran pada kerenahku
dan kelam kabut mu antara anak2 dan kerja2
kesedihan di hati ini
dimana harus ku campakkan
ketika kenangan datang
dan tika aku merenungmu
tubuhmu yang lemah , kurus dan longlai
mahu kukembalikan masa lalu
tika aku dengar suaramu bergema
melihat mu kelibatmu, merasakan kehadiranmu
maafkan wahai ayah
tak dapat engkau bersama kami
menghayati kebahagiaan
begitu cepat masa melemahkan mu
rasa sesal hatiku tak sudah
ampunkan aku atas dosa
kekasaran dan kesalahan
tiada niat melukakan mu
segala yang ku lakukan hanyalah untukmu
ampunkan diriku
lambat memenuhi hasratmu untuk melihat
menyebabkan terkilannya hati ini
tak dapat berkongsi dengan mu
Friday, November 2, 2007
Month of celebration

Hari Raya month is almost over. I enjoyed the Raya with Family and kids. Took about 10 days off work that includes the weekend. I feel this is a great break where my kids can spend time with me all the time. I just needed the break too.
Fatini was very picky on her dresses so she got to choose what to wear. she likes the orange colour baju kurung and wanted to wear that in the first raya morning even though I already planned for my whole family to wear red. But we managed to get her to wear the red one later.
My mum was happy with the family gathered together at her home.
To come back to work was a drag but we had celebration at the office to , a dual Raya and Deepavali celebration with special theme at the office. And our floor won the decor competition as well. The last photo shows the show at the office.