Life has its ups and downs. That I know and it always help me to survive daily life. And friends too, who can lend ears to me during boring times and feeling down time.
Most friends i have are those met at work or through other friends. I like making friends and keeping them, even though being busy and all that makes it difficult to maintain contact regularly.
For me , friends especially those that can bond with me are not that easy to come by. And being married with most time committment is towards work and family, makes it even more difficult to see each other. maybe that's why most frineds i make are those from the same work place or from previous work places.
Firends are those i share my feelings, views and opinions. sharing views make problem smaller than they appear initially and also understanding other people different life. And each person has diffierent perpective in life, therefore i enjoy listening to their perspectives, some i accept as solely their own, some i admire.