Friday, December 26, 2008

About the kids

Endearing quotes coming from my kids

" Mommy !!! My pants come down.." Emir remarked as his pants kept dropping when he walked (I didn't realise the pants waist band was loose already).

" I must win or I will cry" Fatini told her daddy when playing UNO so daddy had no choice but to let her win everytime.

"So00rryyyy mommyyy...." Emir said after everytime he gave me a painful playful bite and that was about 10 times a day.

" Sorry about the shout" Fatini said to me after recovering from a wailing outburst and she's only 4 years old.

" Mommy, this is not expensive" Fatini said to me when she wants to buy a toy.

"I am not ever going on an aeroplane again" Fatini said because the air pressure in the plane hurt her ears.

Emir's milestone achieable as of today:

He went to the toilet himself, took off his pants, peed and washed, all without even called for me.

Fatini's milestone achievable as of today:

She's able to read a sentence and an easy book with some help from me. She helped me fold her and Emir's clothing and helped me put them in the correct drawers.

Favourite cartoon : Emir -Ben 10 , Fatini - Anything on Channel 613.

Favourite vege/food: Emir - carrot (he pronounced cayot), Fatini- fishball

Favourite drink: Fatini-Ribena, Emir-Milk

Favourite shirt/dress: Fatini - any shirt matched with leggings and skirt (Japanese style), Emir- spiderman/superman/Ben 10 shirts

Personal Style: Fatini is more soft, polite, emotionally intelligent, expressive, suka merajuk, likes to whine and very communicative. She talked to me all the time. Emir is active, flying around the house 90% of the time, likes to sing, likes to smile, likes to laugh and that makes him so adorable to watch.

That's of my kids. I love you two very2 much.