Friday, August 21, 2009

Happy Ramadhan to all

I always take offence when the guy or lady by the side of the road smiled so sweetly to me before passing me the flyer “Stay slim for life” or whatever the catchphrase is. Of all people passing by, they picked me as one of the fortunate few to be advised of their product. Thanks!

Do they think I need it, huh? My mind couldn’t help wondering. How dare you…!

I read it though. Front and back. I looked at the pictures. Browsed through the product. So tempting! Maybe I should try out the product…Heh heh

Well I gave up on this slimming down thing, actually. Why torture myself….at this age, no, thanks. I feel really okay with my current size, 12 (UK), even though I prefer to be size 10. Size 8 is if only I'm a couple more inches taller. Otherwise 10-12 is just nice for me.

My problem is actually weight maintenance and toning. And I wish for bulges to be in zero existent. I really don’t want to outgrow the clothes another size. I really don't want to feel bloated and sluggish.

And I know my bad habits…
Sweet indulgences
Kids leftovers (what a waste if I don’t eat all these food philosophy)
The love of food (any food for that matter)

The other day, when I was buying some food at the stall, I overheard the women at the stall remarked to the man standing next to me ,that he has lost lots of weight.

So (unabashed) I asked him, “Did you really lose a lot?” He said, “Yes, I lost 10 kg in a month!”. (He’s a big man).
“What’s the secret?” I asked.
“I jog everyday, morning and evening, and have no rice at night. Other than that I eat what I want.” “Oh really, I’ll try that,thanks!” I said.

That's real life example, I told myselft. Now I know the secret, but well, I haven’t even started to do anything at all till now.

It’s all common sense that works. Exercise, less fat and less carbohydrate. It’sfree, there’s no need to buy anything exclusive except a pair of jogging shoes perhaps. But why is it so difficult to do what common sense tells us?

So I welcome the coming of this Ramadhan where I will place new resolutions.

Remain healthy, sober, wiser and build more spiritual connection. I have the whole month. Hopefully I will achieve what I aspire to be. After 30 days, consistency will be more likely to become a habit. Need to be careful not to spoil everything on Raya day though.

Happy Ramadhan and selamat berpuasa to all.